Population census (2012)
The population of Nepal, according to census published on 22 June, 2012, is 26,494, 504 (26.49 m). comprising 1,28,49,041 (48.50 %) males and 1,36, 45, 463 (51.50%) females. The annual population growth is 1.35 while it was 2.25 in the 2001 census.
The total households number in the country is 5,427,302 with
Population size, growth and distribution: Population of Nepal as of the census day (June 22,) stands at 26,494,504. The increment of population during the last decade is recorded
as 3,343,081 with an annual average growth rate of 1.35 percent.Terai constitutes 50.27 percent (13,318,705) of the total population while Hill and Mountain constitutes 43 percent (11,394,007) and 6.73 percent (1,781,792) respectively. Among the five development regions, Central development region has the highest population ( 36.45 percent) and far
western region records the lowest ( 9.63 percent).
Urban Population: The urban population (population residing in 58 municipalities)constitutes 17 % (4,523,820) of the total population compared to 13.94% (3,227,879) 2.6 Working age population: The working age population (aged 15 to 59 years) has increased
from 54 percent (12,310,968) in 2001 to about 57 Percent (15,091,848) in 2011 showing the population structure is shifting for enjoying demographic dividend in the country
people under 14 constitute 34.91 percent of the total population and people above 60 constitute 8.13 percent.
The population of Nepal, according to census published on 22 June, 2012, is 26,494, 504 (26.49 m). comprising 1,28,49,041 (48.50 %) males and 1,36, 45, 463 (51.50%) females. The annual population growth is 1.35 while it was 2.25 in the 2001 census.
The total households number in the country is 5,427,302 with
5,423,297 individual households and
4,005 institutional households (Barracks, Hostels, Monasteries etc)Population size, growth and distribution: Population of Nepal as of the census day (June 22,) stands at 26,494,504. The increment of population during the last decade is recorded
as 3,343,081 with an annual average growth rate of 1.35 percent.Terai constitutes 50.27 percent (13,318,705) of the total population while Hill and Mountain constitutes 43 percent (11,394,007) and 6.73 percent (1,781,792) respectively. Among the five development regions, Central development region has the highest population ( 36.45 percent) and far
western region records the lowest ( 9.63 percent).
Urban Population: The urban population (population residing in 58 municipalities)constitutes 17 % (4,523,820) of the total population compared to 13.94% (3,227,879) 2.6 Working age population: The working age population (aged 15 to 59 years) has increased
from 54 percent (12,310,968) in 2001 to about 57 Percent (15,091,848) in 2011 showing the population structure is shifting for enjoying demographic dividend in the country
people under 14 constitute 34.91 percent of the total population and people above 60 constitute 8.13 percent.
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